
实习是一次学习冒险, 获得专业经验的通行证, and an opportunity for you to synthesize what you’ve learned in your classes and put it into practice in a real-world setting. But it’s much more than that — an internship takes you outside of the classroom and gives you the chance to gain first-hand experience of your career path. 这是一个让你开阔眼界的机会, 磨练你的学术和专业技能, 巩固你对未来的愿景.


Your first step in the internship process is to activate your UNE support team.

  1. Talk to your professional or academic advisor about your career interests and how an internship can help you connect the dots.
  2. Make an appointment with UNE’s Internship Coordinator to identify internship opportunities, 开始申请流程, 确保你准备好从你的经验中获益.


Participating in an internship as an undergraduate student can be a game changer for your academic and professional journey. It provides you with a unique opportunity to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting and allows you to gain invaluable insights, 技能, 以及对你未来职业生涯有重大影响的人际关系. 通过实习, 你会对你的领域有更深的了解, 发现你的优势和兴趣, 提高你解决问题的能力. 此外, you'll have the chance to network with professionals in your chosen industry, 潜在的指导机会和未来的工作机会.



  • 动手学习:将课堂知识应用到实际环境中.
  • 技能发展:建立 职业能力 同时获得实践技能和经验.
  • Career Clarity: Discover your strengths and interests within your field.
  • 人脉:与你所选行业的专业人士建立联系.
  • 指导:潜在的指导机会.
  • 简历增色:在简历中加入相关经验.
  • Career Opportunities: Increase your chances of securing future job offers.

你是否想要提升你的简历, 明确你的职业目标, 或者获得竞争优势, 实习是你个人和职业成长的必经之路.





我在读医学预科,主修 医学生物学 我希望毕业后能去医学院. 我也是 辅修艺术治疗. 我最近 在国外学习 在摩洛哥丹吉尔. 我在国外的时候, I wanted to find an internship that would allow me to continue working with chronic pain. 起初,这有点困难和挑战. I had to visit various clinics around Tangier before finding a good fit for me. I finally decided on Croissant Rouge, which is somewhat like the American Red Cross.

Doing my internship at Croissant Rouge allowed me to get an inter国家 perspective of chronic pain. 在那里工作的时候,我真的必须打破自己的舒适区. I saw myself pushing my language abilities as I continuously asked questions. 当我试图掌握概念的时候, I often had to ask for things to be explained in a different way or in a different language. Working in this environment allowed me to learn in a much more intense way than I ever had before. This experience allowed me to open my doors to new perspectives and new ways of learning. I think that UNE’s global approach and global initiative are allowing students to push themselves to go abroad to experience other cultures, 拓宽他们的视野, 独立思考. The things I have learned from this experience as well as my openness to new perspectives are things that I will hold with me for the rest of my life.

Doing my internship at Croissant Rouge allowed me to get an inter国家 perspective of chronic pain.



At UNE, we believe in empowering our students right from the beginning of their academic journey. That's why we offer internship opportunities starting from your first year. Whether you're seeking local experience to balance your studies or want to explore regional, 国家, 或者全球机会, 我们会帮你的. 我们广泛的关系网络遍及各个领域, 包括企业, 公司, 非营利组织, 以及政府机构. So when it comes to choosing when and where to embark on your internship adventure — the possibilities are endless.

早期实习可以让你应用课堂知识, 获得实用技能, 为你未来的职业生涯打下坚实的基础, 确保你毕业时不只是拿到一个学位, 而是要有在你选择的领域取得成功的经验和信心.


Biological 科学s major Emily Morris interns as a dental assistant with the Kennebunk Center for Dentistry in Kennebunk, 缅因州.

医学生物学 major Ethan Gagnon interns as part of the COVID-19 Vaccination Initiative

医学生物学 student Ethan Gagnon interns as part of the COVID-19 Vaccination Initiative at 缅因州 Medical Center-UNE in Portland, 缅因州.

Marine Affairs major Julia Basantes interns as a production assistant with Ocean’s Balance

Marine Affairs major Julia Basantes interns as a production assistant with Ocean’s Balance in Biddeford, 缅因州.


At UNE, we recognize that the financial aspect of an internship is a top concern for students. The good news is that many internship opportunities are paid or provide stipends. These paid internships not only allow you to gain valuable hands-on experience but also help you offset some of your educational expenses. 我们理解财务方面的考虑很重要, and our team of professionals is dedicated to helping you find paid opportunities whenever possible. 无论你是在考虑带薪实习还是无薪实习, we’re committed to helping you secure an experience that will help you make the most of your academic journey.


很多实习都可以算作学分, 事实上, an internship experience is likely part of the required coursework in your major. This means that your internship can count towards your degree requirements, providing a seamless integration of real-world experience with your academic curriculum. Our dedicated advisors and faculty work closely with you to tailor the internship experience to align with your academic and career goals, ensuring that you maximize the benefits of your internship while earning credits towards your degree. It's a win-win opportunity that combines practical learning with academic achievement.