
获得B.S. 健康科学/理科.S. 运动训练


想象一下你和优秀运动员一起工作, 在世界级卫生专业人员的监督下提供护理, 或者在运动损伤诊所治疗病人——当你还是学生的时候. 五年期M.S.A.T. 十大网络彩票平台大全运动训练课程(AT)现已开放. 该方案将健康相关科学研究与预防艺术相结合, 管理, and rehabilitating athletic and orthopedic injuries to make you an expert in every aspect of improving individual and team wellness.

我们也提供 两年的M.S.A.T. 程序 对于那些已经持有学士学位并满足所有先决条件的人.



Gain vital experience collaborating with specialists in other health disciplines by studying at a comprehensive 健康的职业 university. 体育训练’s partnership with UNE’s medical school offers many exciting opportunities, including classes in human gross anatomy and hands-on patient experiences in the on-campus Interprofessional Injury Care Clinic, where medical 学生s and 体育训练 学生s work side-by-side to care for fellow 学生s. +, the innovative 3+2 format allows you to complete your undergraduate and graduate work in five years — trimming a full year from the traditional format.

  • 获得B.S. 在健康科学-运动训练和你的硕士.S.A.T. 在短短五年内
  • 跨学科团队护理培训
  • 定制设计的教学和实验室空间
  • 105,000平方英尺的运动场
  • 运动分析实验室,用于生物力学、康复等方面的研究

被聘为运动教练的毕业生 or 参加研究生课程 在毕业后的六个月内选择








十大网络彩票平台大全让我看到了很多新的机会. 作为一个 体育训练 学生, I had diverse clinical rotation opportunities that allowed me to work anywhere from high schools, 大学, 甚至还有骨科诊所和手术室.

I was exposed to a diverse group of 运动员/patients and communities that helped form our basis for communication with people from all walks of life. 我被要求与父母沟通, 运动员, 教练, 其他运动教练, 不同的医学专家. Clinical rotations put you into a safe location to work under certified athletic trainers while obtaining hands-on, 现场实时损伤和患者评估.

十大网络彩票平台大全也是新英格兰地区为数不多的几所学校之一 大体解剖实验室 并允许本科生在实验室上课. Having access to the 大体解剖实验室 was such an advantage to be able to understand the basics and complexity of the human body.

十大网络彩票平台大全教会我要关心身边的每一个人. 十大网络彩票平台大全社区以关心周围的人和地球而自豪.

UNE taught me, “a patient does not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.我的一位教授确保我们永远不会忘记这句话, and now it will follow me through the rest of my life as both a person and a professional. 医疗保健不仅仅取决于你作为提供者知道多少. It is also based on showing patients compassion for their ailments and treating the patient as a whole and not only the injury.


十大网络彩票平台大全让我看到了很多新的机会. I had diverse clinical rotation opportunities and 运动员/patients and communities that helped form our basis for communication with people from all walks of life.


你将学习什么? 运动训练3+2课程概述

我们的运动训练3+2课程可以让你获得硕士学位.S.). (2年).S. 参赛成绩为B的选手可参加.S. 谁满足了所有的先决条件.)


The following are just some examples of the exciting courses that the 体育训练 程序 offers:

  • 人体大体解剖
  • 手动疗法
  • 运动保健中的康复技术
  • 运动表现与调节
  • 运动训练中的临床推理
  • 临床实习

要了解更多十大网络彩票平台大全运动训练3+2计划,请参阅 课程 或浏览 学术目录.




通过你的课程作业, 实验室, 临床领域经验, 和实习, 你将在运动训练这一激动人心的职业道路上走得很好.

Our 体育训练 3+2 graduates have landed jobs with major league franchises, such as:

  • 波士顿红袜队(MLB)
  • 亚特兰大老鹰(NBA)
  • 康涅狄格太阳队(WNBA)

Athletic trainers are employed by physicians’ offices and sports teams and in military settings. 你也可以在相关领域工作,包括:

  • 力量训练
  • 伤害预防
  • 表演艺术/舞蹈医学
  • 公共安全
  • 职业健康


Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.

B.S. 健康科学-运动训练

如果你参加了我们的五年制硕士课程.S.A.T. 在这个课程中,你将得B.S. 健康科学-运动训练 degree after you successfully complete your fourth year.  完成B.S. 健康科学-运动训练 does not prepare you for certification or licensure as an athletic trainer, 你必须完成硕士学位的所有要求.S.A.T. 才有资格参加认证委员会的考试.


应用运动科学或运动训练专业毕业, 你可以享受到大量的现代化设施来研究运动和体育表演. In addition to the discipline-specific equipment and training spaces in the Harold Alfond Forum, 校园中心, 以及哈罗德·奥尔方健康科学中心, 您还可以从尖端的计算机资源中受益, 现代实验室, 和十大网络彩票平台大全提供的教室.


哈罗德·阿方德论坛, 2012年开业, 包括一个105,000-square-foot athletics complex featuring: an ice hockey rink with 900 seats; a basketball court with 1,200 seats; classroom space; a fitness center; and multi-purpose indoor practice courts that can also be used for performances and other events, 可容纳3人,000. 它还设有运动训练和应用运动科学课程, 哪些学校有专门设计的教学和实验室空间.



1989年开业, 55,000-square foot 校园中心 houses a sports complex that includes a 25-yard/six-lane handicapped-accessible swimming pool, 一个八人热水浴缸, 还有一个设备齐全的健身中心,有两个壁球场和一个自由举重区. 它还包含一个12,100平方英尺的健身房还有1/12英里的阳台跑道, 淋浴, 桑拿房, 还有更衣室. 校园中心 也是BodyWISE网站的所在地, a UNE and community-at-large resource designed especially for people who have specific physical performance objectives, ranging from rehabilitating physical limitations to enhancing peak athletic performance. BodyWISE is an extension of UNE's educational mission and serves as a clinical training 程序 for exercise and sport performance 学生s as well as 学生s in other allied 健康的职业 程序s.



The Harold Alfond Center for 健康 科学s is a state-of-the-art laboratory and educational facility. 位于比德福德风景秀丽的海滨校园的中心, 这座三层楼的建筑里有实验室和演讲厅. 它将UNE置于健康和生命科学教育的国家前沿. 该中心的大体解剖实验室供医疗人员使用, 健康的职业, 以及运动表演专业的学生.



运动分析实验室 on UNE's Portland Campus allows you to observe and measure human motion that cannot be observed with the naked eye, 并量化关节,神经肌肉和肌肉系统的力量.

The research you do in this technologically-advanced 1500-square-foot learning space allows you to apply the theoretical knowledge you’ve gained in the classroom to projects investigating such crucial matters to your field as better understanding the laws of sports biomechanics, 或是最有效的前交叉韧带康复方法.


作为运动训练或应用运动科学专业的学生,你可以使用我们的 跨专业仿真与创新中心 to apply the knowledge you gain in the classroom to realistic clinical situations before putting actual patients at risk.

由熟练的讲师指导, 你要参加专门为提高你的临床能力而设计的模拟. Simulations allow you to test your skills in evaluating a patient in an emergency situation or to individualize patient care for a variety of medical conditions. 而不仅仅是听到和阅读困难或不寻常的案例, you experience them by treating our high fidelity patient simulators and patient actors in scenarios that mimic real life.




不管你是在做研究, 进行临床轮转, 实习, 或者在跨专业伤害护理诊所与受伤的学生一起工作, 在十大网络彩票平台大全,你不仅要学习运动训练,还要进行运动训练.


Graduates of our 体育训练 程序 have completed a wide array of exciting internships with organizations, 包括:

  • 缅因红爪
  • 缅因州的水手
  • 缅因州医疗合作伙伴骨科和运动医学
  • 鲍登学院运动医学
  • 体育医学
  • L.L. Bean员工健康


准备在十大网络彩票平台大全的运动训练3+2课程中开始你的未来? 今天就开始吧.